• ALEA Banner - Uri Berry אורי בארי


ALEA by Saar Szekely & Keren Sheffi is a public performance and a social experiment, where the participants are both actors and audience, acting alone and upon each other.

Each round of Project ALEA lasts one week, and is centered around one city. During the round, each participant is given 2-4 private instructions per day, chosen for her alone – and completely at random – by their computerized system. The orders are sent via SMS, email, or viewed here on the site. They fit into the participant’s normal daily routine, interrupt it and enrich it.

This website was designed in collaboration with Saar Szekely. We looked for that old 8-bit/DOS style.


The website is fully adaptive and fits any mobile device. Activation is done through your mobile device, where you can view your remaining orders.

These stickers were distributed on the streets of Munich as a teaser. The last activation of Project ALEA took place during the Radikal Jung Festival in Munich, on the 7-13.4.2014.

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